
A heterogeneous processor architecture and a method of booting a heterogeneous processor is described. A processor according to one embodiment comprises: a set of large physical processor cores; a set of small physical processor cores having relatively lower performance processing capabilities and relatively lower power usage relative to the large physical processor cores; and a package unit, to enable a bootstrap processor. The bootstrap processor initializes the homogeneous physical processor cores, while the heterogeneous processor presents the appearance of a homogeneous processor to a system firmware interface.


  • Elierzer Weissmann
  • Rinat Rappoport
  • Michael Mishaeli
  • Hisham Shafi
  • Oron Lenz
  • Jason W. Brandt
  • Stephen A. Fischer
  • Bret L. Toll
  • Inder M. Sodhi
  • Alon Naveh
  • Ganapati N. Srinivasa
  • Ashish V. Choubal
  • Scott D. Hahn
  • David A. Koufaty
  • Russel J. Fenger
  • Gaurav Khanna
  • Eugene Gorbatov
  • Mishali Naik
  • Andrew J. Herdrich
  • Abirami Prabhakaran
  • Sanjeev S. Sahagirdar
  • Paul Brett
  • Paolo Narvaez
  • Andrew D. Henroid
  • Dheeraj R. Subbareddy